Get this, folks;
"The top 1 percent incomes (the Super-Rich) captured HALF of all (profit) economic growth over the period 1993-2007," "...while the BOTTOM 99% of incomes (households) grew at a solid pace of 2.7 percent per year from 1993-2000, these incomes grew ONLY 1.3% per year from 2002-2007.
As a result, in the economic expansion of 2002-2007, the TOP 1% captured 2/3 of ALL income growth(PROFIT)."
All that gobbledy gook just says that we made LESS profit and the very rich made many X's MORE.
Doesn't that seem kinda WRONG to you?
Isn't the money (profits) supposed to, you know, TRICKLE DOWN at some point?
There comes a point where Capitalism and Socialism need to learn how to get along. Somewhere in the middle. Yes, it is the American Dream to get rich, marry well, be famous; have the perfect life.But, these days; even working very hard won't make you rich. The deck is already stacked against you.
And let's just say it; monopolies aren't doing We the People any favors.
More and more consolidation of companies and it ends up with little/no choices for the consumer. Not to mention the workers.
That's most ALL of us, folks!
Between the huge conglomerates of Insurance Companies, Banks consolidating, Telecom Companies buying each other out, Stores doing the same thing, (think Wal-Mart running the Mom and Pop stores out of business and you get my drift. )These things carry a lot of clout in our lives.
They fix the prices through buying up the competition.And that clout is not being used for OUR best advantage; you can lay money on that. In fact, you are already laying your money on that.
And the OWNERS of these companies are making outrageous amounts of money.
The President of the United States gets paid $400,000, a year; it makes me wonder why so many CEOs are worth so much more than he is ; the leader of our entire country.
So yeah, it is outrageous to me that when times are tough and the working poor are the first to get laid off or fired while, at the same time, the Owners/CEOs/stockholders are each getting millions of $$ in salary, benefits packages and company profits: it's just obscene!
Moral of this story:
There is NOTHING wrong with people making A LOT of money.
But, they CAN'T be allowed to make (and keep) ALL of the money.
All opinions are completely mine.
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