Dear Parents, Grandparents, Great-Grandparents,
Listen; I know that some people on your favorite TV and radio stations have been hollering about "Socialized Medicine" that has "Death Panels" that are gonna kill you, if healthcare legislation gets passed.(The only question from any Death Panel is do you want a living will or not, pretty much.) You know; the things that people that can actually afford an actual lawyer asks.
I don't think that the elderly will get the short end of the stick. (I believe that is what worries them most about Medicare for all; that it will take valuable resources from them; a reasonable fear, really.)
But, it is mainly about reorganization of payment, folks.
Think of it this way; instead of seeing a doctor, then worrying about how you will pay for it, (Bankruptcy? Being Sued? Your insurance company denying your claim and/or dropping your policy?) You know, like we see a lot of, currently.
You would go to your doctor and he sends the bill to your not-for-profit healthcare Insurance agency that you would belong to. They pay it. That's it.
Insurance companies shouldn't get bonuses everytime someone has the bad luck as to get sick or old, after years of being faithful high-premium payers. But, they do tend to get a bonus when an employee saves the company money using rescission and denial of claims. (Around $300 million, last year.)
Making a fortune on the financial (and physical) ill-health of your (and my) families is just WRONG.
(In hippie-speak, it is "NOT Cool".)
7% of all of the USA's financial wealth is shared by 80% of the USA's population.( We pretty much ALL share the scraps already, folks.) I don't happen to think that 1% or even 2% tax on the very rich is gonna break them or permanently ruin investing.
We pool our money for our Police, Fire Departments, Social Services, Judges, and many other "public" agencies and we think nothing of it.
You know what? Not EVERYTHING has to make a profit beyond its expenses and salaries and we can STILL be a Capitalist country. It's true.
The law of the land is that if anyone goes into an emergency room, even if they can't pay a cent, gets life-saving treatment. They can't pay, so the federal government pays. Who is the Federal Government? That is US.
We pay out way more in federal money, right now, for healthcare than any "socialized medicine" country has to pay!
These countries have figured out a more efficient way and humane way to treat people. But, we can't seem to do the same and that doesn't speak well for us, in this country.
The actions of our Politicians is/ should be directly affected by citizens' thoughts and opinions You wanted us involved.
We are now involved.
Besides, making OUR insurance "pool" bigger, by adding younger and healthier people(and their money), gives you a BIGGER pool of money, compared to the older, smaller pool of money.
H.R.676/Extended Medicare for All
It (we) will be helping to PAY for your future healthcare too, Respected Elders.
Have some faith in your children and grandchildren's views, folks.
They can be wiser than you think.
They keep up on things.
Besides, they love you.
They will be paying for it for years to come anyway, right?
So, they should get a vote, too.
H.R.676/Extended Medicare for All
Remember it.
Short and simple and based on existing services (Medicare).
No more worrying yourself sick about medical bills.
No more big-money incentives to deny ANYONE'S medical insurance claim...
Sounds nice, doesn't it?
Your Loving Descendants and Dependents
(Please comment and cite sources if you find that I am wrong about any facts on this blog. Thank you.)
Opinions are entirely my own.
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