Monday, July 13, 2009

What Do U.S. Prisons and U.S. Healthcare Have in Common?

More than what you might think, folks.

For one thing, both have went from a Society Obligation to major Big Business profits.
So, what has the privatization (for profit) of our nation's Healthcare and Prison Systems done FOR us?While it is true that a few people have made a LOT of profit from both Industries; what about the U.S. Citizenry as a whole?

According to the New York Times; 1 OF EVERY 31 adults is in prison, parole or probation, at a cost of 47 BILLION dollars to states, in 2008. "Criminal correction spending is outpacing budget growth in education, transportation and public assistance, based on state and federal data."* (sidenote: Taxpayers pay for these budgets, folks.)

In other words; "The United States has LESS than 5 percent of the world’s population. But it has almost 25% of the world’s prisoners."**(sidenote: About HALF of ALL people incarcerated are for NON-violent offenses. More than the combined populations of Wyoming and Alaska. *****)

(Wow, I had no idea that incarceration was so much more important than education, transportation AND caring for our poor and sick citizens! Good to know where we stand, though, isn't it?)

Now, let's look at the privatization of Healthcare and its effects on the U.S. Citizenry. compared Japan, the U.S.A, Germany, Switzerland and the UK, regarding Healthcare.

Some quick comparison examples:
1)The U.S. spends MORE (percent-wise) of our GDP on Healthcare for our citizens than the other 4.
2)The U.S. has the LOWEST life expectancy (at birth).
3)The U.S. has the HIGHEST infant mortality rate.
4)Japan has almost TWICE the amount of MRI machines as the U.S. (number per million population).
5)Japan has almost THREE TIMES the amount of CT machines as the U.S. (number per million population).***

Not so amazingly, The Urban Institute estimated that 22,000 adults died in 2006 because they did not have health insurance.(ie. access to healthcare.)****

(Folks, we are NOT getting our money's worth.)

So people, decide for yourself if having for-profit Healthcare and for-profit Prisons are the way to go.

But, MY opinion is that both Healthcare (LIFE) and Incarceration (LIBERTY) is too important and should NOT be controlled by shareholders that are just out to make a buck. (Or a billion.)

I also have a question. I wonder how many of our Representatives have invested in Insurance Companies and Prisons? (And since they make the laws, that would make such investments VERY secure, wouldn't it?)


(This article is my opinion; albeit, with facts and sources cited)

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